
Welcome to Tabibito's Balkan Guide!

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After various trips all around the Balkan peninsula, I decided that it's time to share some information. This page starts with the travelogue about a trip in September 2003, which ought to bring us to Romania and Moldova (Republic of). However, the Moldovian consul refused to issue a visa for my fellow traveller due to rapidly changing visa regulations. Looking for alternatives, we finally decided to cross Bulgaria (for the 5th time), Macedonia und Yugoslavia (to be exactly: Serbia). This is what travelogue #1 is about (see righthand menu).
Having been turned down was unacceptable, and so we gave it another try in May/June 2004. One reason was to get a more detailled picture of Romania, another one was to finally explore the Republic of Moldova. On this occassion, we also visited the infamous rebel republic of Transnestria (PMR). Travelogue #2 is about that trip.
The pages about →Hungary are among Tabibito's Balkan Guide pages, which has structural reasons. Hungary is neither culturally nor geographically a part of the Balkan area. The pages about Hungary include pictures and experiences from four trips so far.
About these pages: Grey indicates a link within tabibito's website. Red words indicate titles of subchapters, yellow words are keywords and place names, which is supposed to make searching for specific information more convenient.
I've tried to design this website in a way, that various browsers can handle the pages correctly. There is still the chance, that some browsers do not interprete the CSS commands correctly. If you encounter problems with these pages, please let me know via e-mail (link is on the left) and I'll try to fix it. Recommended screen resolution is 1024x768, but 800x600 shall be alright as well.
Since some readers have asked for the software I use - I stick to Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, the Windows-integrated Notepad and tiny MapEdit.
Enjoy tabibito's travelogues! Do not hesitate to sign my →Guestbook - feedback is highly welcome! Please report dead links and help to keep these pages being up to date.
About the map: Orange country names in the map mean, that you'll find extensive information on these countries within tabibito's balkan guide. Green country names indicate countries, on which other pages within tabibito's website exist. Blue country names show countries, to which tabibito has not been yet (to be exactly, this is limited to Albania, but a trip there is already planned), or countries, about which tabibito has not yet written something.
The map on this page and all other maps within tabibito's balkan guide are clickable. On the left, you will find links to the information on the countries itself and to various locations in those countries. You may also use the scroll menu on the top to navigate.
Puszta, Gulasz and Palinka - Hungary is always worth a visit Serbian Beans, Castles and Belgradian impressions Macedonia is surprisingly beautiful A smell of roses and Kadarka - Welcome to Bulgaria! High mountains, stray dogs, a warm welcome and a horrendous capital - that's Romania! To the external pages on Turkey, Georgia and Armenia Kiev, Odessa, Lviv---there are some real juwels to discover in the Ukraine! (German only) Back to tabibito's start page Czech Republic - always a rewarding destination! (German only) Moldova - poorest country in Europa and away from it all To Ljubljana and the beautiful lake Bled in Slovenia Croatia is simply a must-see in Eastern Europe Bosnia's recent tragical history is still visible Poland, Slovakia, Belarus and the Baltic States: Find out more about it in tabibito's Eastern Europe Guide